The Prestige

I first heard about this movie when I saw the trailer during "Casino Royale". And what made me decide that I had to watch the movie was the name of the director - Christopher Nolan. Mainstream movie goers might recognise him as the director of "Batman Begins", easily the best in the series. But I had heard about him first through a friend who recommended "Memento".

Prior to the movie, I heard good reviews from a couple of sources. And I can honestly say that the film lived up to its expectations. I left the theatre discussing the movie in your head, and continue pondering over it days after. For how many of the movies that you watch can you say this?

I admit, there might be a big audience for whom movie watching is an entertainment. But "The Prestige" is proof that you can be entertained, and provoked, at the same time. And that, to me, is the essence of movies.

For movie reviews, I recommend Rotten Tomatoes.


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